Give A Voice | Apple Support References

Support links below are in English and Spanish.

Get started with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch:
Get started with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch (Introducción al iPhone, el iPad y el iPod touch):

Get help with hardware features on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch:
Get help with hardware features on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch (Obtener ayuda con las prestaciones de hardware del iPhone, el iPad y el iPod touch):

If your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch won‘t turn on:
If your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch won‘t turn on (Si el iPhone, el iPad o el iPod touch no se enciende):


iPad Support (Soporte de iPad):

Overview. Accessibility. iOS. A wide range of features for a wide range of need:
Overview.(Accesibilidad. iOS. Taunts prestaciones como necesidades.):

Accessibility Tips and Tricks:
Accessibility Tips and Tricks (Trucos y consejos de accesibilidad):

Use Accessibility features in iOS:
Use Accessibility features in iOS (Usar las funciones de accesibilidad de iOS):

Accessibility Support [this is only available in English]:

Use Restrictions on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch:
Use Restrictions on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch: (Utilizar la prestación Restricciones en el iPhone, iPad y iPod touch):
Manuals/User Guides:
User Guides Manuals:
User Guides (Manuales destacados):
Apple ID Support:
Apple ID Support: (Soporte técnico para el ID de Apple):
iCloud Setup (Configura iCloud en todos tus dispositivos. El resto es automático):
iCloud Support (Soporte técnico para iCloud):
Restore your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch from a backup:
Restore your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch from a backup (Restaurar el dispositivo a partir de una copia de seguridad de iCloud o iTunes):
Support in Store/Over the Phone:
1-800-APL-CARE (1-800-275-2273)
To make an Appointment to come in to the Apple Store:
– (From iOS device) Apple Store App –
– (From web)
Learning Resources:
Workshops – The best place to learn about Apple products:
If, down the road, you are looking to responsibility recycle devices, all options are listed here (including information on using the Renew program in store to trade in good condition devices towards newer products):