Thank you for considering the National Autism Association as a possible partner for your company’s philanthropic efforts.  NAA is grateful for the support of businesses that are dedicated to making a real difference for families affected by autism through our unique programs.

As an NAA Partner, your company name, logo and website link will be displayed on our website, as long as your sponsorship remains in good standing. Your support will be acknowledged through NAA’s social network venues, including our Twitter and Facebook groups.  NAA Partners will also receive advance opportunities for sponsorship of NAA events/conferences at discounted rates as well as prime exhibit booth locations at our national conference.

Please review our partnership guidelines below:

  • NAA seeks to partner with companies that have a sincere commitment and desire to support families affected by autism through our programs.  A minimum annual level of support of $15,000 is required for your company to be recognized as an official NAA Partner.
  • NAA requires a minimum of one year in business to become a corporate sponsor.
  • NAA reserves the right to decline sponsorships at its own discretion, for any reason.
  • Any use of NAA’s name or logo must be submitted for approval by the organization. Partners are required to sign NAA’s Link and Logo Authorization form.
  • NAA reserves the right to terminate a partnership agreement at its discretion.
  • NAA does not engage in product/service/company endorsements.  Permission to use the NAA name and logo does not constitute endorsement.


To become an NAA Partner, please complete the following application.

    Your Name

    Your Email

    Your Phone Number

    Your Company Name

    Please describe your product or service.

    Please provide a link to your website.

    Have you been in business at least one year?


    Please select a sponsorship type.

    Please select your annual level of support for NAA's programs.

    Please enter questions or comments here.

    Thank you for your interest in supporting NAA's programs! We will contact you shortly.

    By submitting this form you indicate your agreement to the terms noted above.