The intent of NAA’s Give A Voice program is to provide the opportunity for meaningful, effective communication to individuals with autism who are nonspeaking or unreliably speaking, and whose communication challenges put them at increased risk of injury or harm.
We are thrilled to announce that we are now offering access to certified practitioners in S2C (Spelling 2 Communicate) and RPM (Rapid Prompting Method) while continuing to offer our iPad AAC program.
S2C and RPM involve the process of communication through spelling on a letterboard. To learn more about letterboarding and how it works, we recommend visiting as well as reading the recently-released book “Underestimated: An Autism Miracle” by J.B. and Jamie Handley.
Grants for spellers will provide up to 4 sessions with a practitioner of your choice along with a set of letterboards.
We have very limited funding for this program. Every application is carefully reviewed and all information submitted is verified by NAA staff. This program is intended for families who are in dire need of financial assistance and are otherwise unable to attain access to these communication methods.
Give A Voice Applications are now being accepted.
Click here to download an S2C/RPM application.
Click here to download an iPad application.
Funding is always needed for this program.
To become a corporate sponsor, or make a
tax-deductible donation, please click here.