NAA is observing Autism Awareness Month with initiatives that promote action, progress and hope.
Our Post Hope campaign on Facebook is designed to make hope go viral in the autism community. It may sound small, but we believe sharing simple messages of hope makes a big impact for those who need it most. This initiative provides share-friendly social media cards that contain messages of hope, support, and critical information, such as autism safety tips, autism facts, and early signs of autism.
We believe information is power, and inspiration is empowering. Our community needs both.
Move Autism Forward
Our children and adults may not be able to sit at a roundtable in Washington DC, or make what’s considered a traditional statement to autism’s federal decision-makers. But does that mean they shouldn’t have a presence? We absolutely believe they should. Share your videos and learn more about our Move Autism Forward campaign here.
DoNAAtions That Do More
Support NAA’s programs by making a tax-deductible donation in honor of someone you love.
We believe information is power, and inspiration is empowering. Our community needs both. Join us on Facebook for frequent posts and ways you can help by clicking here.